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What is a Balance Board for Hockey?

What is a Balance Board for Hockey?

You may have heard people talking about using a balance board for hockey in order to stay fit and keep their selves in shape. Over the course of the last year or so during the COVID19 pandemic so many places had to shut down to avoid the spread of the virus, that people had to either find alternative ways to stay in shape, or not work out at all. Although hockey balance boards have been around for quite some time, they have gotten very popular since the shutdowns started happening. What exactly is a balance board for hockey? Although it is a real thing, it is more of a metaphor in some ways. Read on.

The Hockey Balance Board

Hockey is an incredibly competitive sport that takes a huge amount of skill and balance to be any good at. Ice hockey, in particular, requires that ice skaters be quick and agile on their feet as they race around the rink when they play a game. An immense amount of balance is necessary satta for skaters that speed around the ice, and maneuver around other players with a stick and a puck. Regular practice on a hockey balance board can keep the muscles that are required to skate like a champion strong and fit.

Simply enough a balance board is much like a skateboard, but without wheels or trucks. You place the board over a balancing roller and stand on it while you keep yourself balanced and stop yourself from falling down. As soon as you step onto the board and start balancing, your core becomes engaged and you are building those muscles.

The Balance Board for Hockey

There are manufacturers out there that design balance boards specifically for hockey, but they can be used for a number of other core building exercises. You can use whatever kind of balance board you want, but when you use it to sharpen your hockey skills you are using a balance board for hockey. The thing about working out on a balance board is that the exercises strengthen the core elements that hockey players need to be excellent players.

Balancing on a Hockey Balance Board

The very first time that you try to balance yourself on a balance board, you might run into a few difficulties. This is because your mind tries to tell you that you can’t do it, but your brain and your core already know that you can. Balancing is a built-in system that comes with the human body in order to keep it safe and alive through different situations. The core and the brain work together in order to facilitate a perfectly balanced experience. However, your mind will try to tell you differently until you prove it otherwise. All you have to do is get on that board and let your brain do the rest. Just like standing up, walking, or riding a bike if you simply allow it to happen, you will just do it and all will be well. The very second that your core muscles become engaged as you begin to balance, you are strengthening them, and proving to our doubting mind that  you can absolutely balance on the board without problems.

Do You Need A Balance Board?

More than likely if you are a hockey player you could probably use a balance board. During the times that you are unable to make it to a hockey rink and practice skating, using a balance board will keep those muscles in shape and allow the core to strengthen itself and remain as effective as it possibly can. A balance board for hockey can make the world of a difference when it comes to staying strong and dominating the game.

***Sniper’s Edge Hockey loves Canada! We proudly ship all of our products to Canada and offer the same return policies as we do for everybody else. We realize the exchange rates for the Canadian dollar are not the best right now, so we’re trying to help by giving you free shipping and no customs/duty.***

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